A celebration of Jean's life will be held at St. Andrews Methodist Church on Monday 12th September 2022 at 1:30 pm. Please wear whatever brings you joy just as Jean always did. Bright colours, especially in her favourite colour red would be a great way to honour her memory. Anyone who is unable to attend in person can join the service at St Andrews via Zoom using the following link:
Meeting ID: 838 2072 002
Passcode: 12345
Everyone is welcome to attend all parts of the proceedings to celebrate Jean's life. If you would like to join Jean's family at Redditch Golf Club after the services please let Jean's daughter Rachel know via telephone, text or email by 1st September so that we can confirm numbers for catering purposes. Rachel's contact details are as follows, Tel/Text: 07737282562 or email: rachegan@icloud.com
Family flowers only. If desired donations in memory of Jean to Blood Cancer UK.